Monday, November 22, 2010

walk to remember

Repeating movie is not my cup of tea, but I watched "A walk to remember" again after quite some time and this movie has something that made me watch it again..from start to end.. . I really felt touched and felt the beauty of the love and realized its power. As always this movie remains one of my best movie ever.
I especially like the lines about the love in the movie which I would like to share:

"Love is always patient and kind.
It is never jealous.
Love is never boastful nor conceited.
It is never rude or selfish.
It does not take offense
and is not resentful.
Love takes no pleasure
in other people's sins...
...but delights in the truth.
It is always ready to excuse,
to trust, to hope...
...and to endure...
...whatever comes."

With life so busy and disgraceful at times, I realized the beauty of life is in living it with love and enthusiasm...Love relies within many realms... it can be a girl or not... or it may be your family, passion, career, science or nature-high hills or a valley, a flower or its aroma, silence of ocean or its roar, a tree in a garden or its leaf. I am refreshed and happy again with love and confidence. I feel very lucky to be blessed with so caring family and friends. Love you guys :)